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Policies & Procedures

Tutoring Information and Schedule

Tutorial Times and Information

Tutorials provide teacher-assisted, skill focused instruction to enhance students’ success in the classroom.  Sessions are by appointment only and the teacher will send a permission slip home if tutorials are needed. Tutorial attendance is strongly recommended for students with averages below 75. 

Students must have written permission from home in order to attend tutorials. Permission forms are provided by the teacher and must be turned into the teacher the day prior tutoring.

Morning: 6:45 am to 7:15 am

  • Tutorial permission slips will be sent home and returned to the teacher the day prior to tutorials.
  • Students should arrive by 6:40 and wait outside of door 1 near the front office until the teacher arrives. There will not be a designated staff member on duty to allow students entry past 6:40 am. Tutoring will begin at 6:45 am in the teacher's classroom.  

Afternoon: 3:20 pm to 3:50 pm

  • Tutorial permission slips will be sent home and must be returned to the teacher with a documented method for the student to get home (car rider/walker) the day prior to tutorials. 
  • All students who are car riders must be picked up at 3:50 pm. Walkers will be released at 3:50 pm to walk home on their own.


Language Arts, Science, Reading, Foreign Languages


Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Electives, Language Arts


Reading, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, Electives, Mathematics


This is a friendly reminder regarding students who walk or ride their bikes to/from school.  For safety reasons, we ask that walkers and bike riders leave the campus immediately after being dismissed at 3:10 p.m.  Walkers and bike riders must  use the sidewalk to travel to the nearest crosswalk at Greenhouse and Tuckerton roads.  If your student walks or rides a bike to Anthony, please help us by reminding your student to safely cross the street using the crosswalk.  Thank you!


Instructions taken from the CFISD Student Handbook: 

4.1 Release of Students A student will not be released from school at times other than regular dismissal hours, except with the principal's or designee's permission, and in accordance with campus sign-out procedures. The student:

1. Must bring a note from their parent/legal guardian/supervisory adult specifying the reason for the early release, the release time, and the person picking up the student. Anthony Leaving School Early Form

2. Should deliver the note to the attendance office/receptionist.

3. Will receive a pass to be released at the specified time.

4. Will be sent to the receptionist/attendance office to wait to be released to the appropriate person.

5. Is to be signed out by the appropriate person with the attendance office/receptionist.

6. Will be marked absent by teachers during their absence. Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District Student Handbook Section II Admission, Attendance, and Graduation Page HB-14

7. Must provide a parent or doctor note upon their return to school.

8. May have attendance code modified by the attendance secretary to reflect the absence.

9. Will have a note placed in the student’s attendance file.